Testimonial : Enzo – White Swiss Shepherd – 2022

Enzo is very active, I’d even say hyperactive! After his cruciate ligament was diagnosed as ruptured
cruciate ligament, the option of reconstruction with a synthetic ligament was immediately
given his young age and energy.

I did my research on the internet and saw that this new
that this new technique is a real alternative to TPLO, which seemed more traumatic
traumatic for my dog and problematic for his future.
Two days after his surgery, he was already pulling on his leash, and could go up and down the stairs in my house without any difficulty.
stairs in my house without any discomfort, and the results have only improved.
It’s been 6 months since his operation, and he’s back to his normal self.
He runs, jumps and we go for walks of several km without any problem. I highly recommend it!

+ 4,000 dogs operated

Fast, lasting recovery for the animal.