Mechanical Testing of a Synthetic Canine Gastrocnemius Tendon Implant – Veterinary Surgery 9999 – 1–7 © Copyright 2015 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons – 2015
Objective : To test a polyethylene terephthalate prosthesis (STIF, Chenove, France) for gastrocnemius tendon repair in dogs (cadaver model).
Rupture du ligament croisé crânial (P. BUTTIN – 2014)
This technique combines the advantages of the two previous categories with a more biological approach to pathology, and is also the most costly due to the price of the prosthesis.
peu de risque de complications sérieuses récupération fonctionnelle rapide.
Achilles tendon reconstruction – Thursday December 12th, 2019 – Dr. Shane Guerin
Achilles tendon reconstruction, 2019 completed documentation by Dr Shane Guerin, Cork IRE MVB, MACVSc, Cert, SAO, DVCSc, Dipl. ECVS.
Bonnie was reviewed 3 months after surgery and she was fully weight bearing and getting 25-30 minutes exercise daily. A palpable thickening of the left Achilles tendon was present. A gradual increase in exercise was encouraged.